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Welcome To BCDA

History of BCDA

History of BCDA

<p>0th November, 1920 people everywhere were fighting but not like these days without any cause. But they were standing tall and united against British Rule, dying to kill slavery. At that point of time under the leadership of the Mahatma, the Indian National Congress came into existence with the dream of a free independent India. In this very heat another organization came into existence with a similar aim through a different route. The Organization, Bengal Chemists &amp; Druggists Association, the brain child of Sir Harikrishna Paul of Bengal took its first step towards the eradication of British business monopoly. Both the organizations drafted their Constitutions in 1920 in Calcutta and it was passed in the year 1921 both for Indian National Congress and Bengal Chemists &amp; Druggists Association (BCDA) in their meetings held at Nagpur and Calcutta respectively.</p> <p>This organization was formed on 30th. November, 1920 at 7:00 PM in a meeting held at 23, Colootola Street, Calcutta -700001.</p> <p>President: Sri Harishankar Paul Vice Presidents: (i)Sri Asfaq (ii) Sri Ezazuddin Secretary &amp; Treasurer: Sri H.D Nag Assistant Secretary: (i) Dr. N.C. Bose (ii) Mr. Md. Nazir Kh Members: i) Dr. N.M. Dey ii) Mr. Dastoor iii) Mr. Kumud Nath Bhattacharjee iv) Mr. Md. Altabuddin v)Mr.Shasti Ch. Dey vi)Mr. P.Burtle vii) Mr. Md. Ghaffar</p> <p>It was decide in te said meeting that the Association should be Registered under the Indian Company Act,1913.</p> <p>1st General Meeting of the Association was held on 09st Jan 1921at 10:30 am at 1, Bonfield Lane, Calcutta -700001, where the Memorandum of the Association was passed and the Association was named as Calcutta Chemists &amp; Druggists Association. From this meeting, Sri Harishankar Paul was elected as Founder President and he remained as President of the association till his death on 18th Jun 1951. Shri Haridhan Nag was also selected as first General Secretary.</p> <p>In the meantime the working load of Association gardually increased vis a vis the strength of membership and the number of drug dealers also increased. Therefore, for the upliftment of the members&#39; trading condition and also for giving relief to various hardships of the drug traders, the members felt the expension of the Association and there by in the year 1949, 29th Dec, the Calcutta Chemists &amp; Druggists Association was renamed as BENGAL CHEMISTS &amp; DRUGGISTS ASSOCIATION (B.C.D.A.). At that time Sri Probhat Kumar Chattopadhyay was the General Secretary of the Association.</p> <p>On 18th Jun 1951, after compeltion of the 29th AGM of the Association founder President Sri Harishanker Paul expaired all on a sudden. Sri Heramba Bhattacherjee took charge as President and he remained in his position till 1956. At that time Sir Sudhir Mukherjee was the General Secratary.</p> <p>From 1956 Sri Bhupen Dey was selected as the President and he remain in this position 12 years in a row. During this time Sri Pijus Kanti Guha was the General Secratary of the Association.</p> <p>Sri Tarun Kanti Ghosh became the General secratary in the 37th AGM held on 27th Aug 1959 at 10,Bonfield Lane, Calcutta-700001. Sri Dhiren Dey became president at 46thAGM held on 15th June 1968. On 47th AGM held on 30th Jun 1969 where Shri Dhiren Day reelected as President and Shri Atul Dutta as General Secratary of the Association and he continued in this position upto 1985.</p> <p>Shri J.K. Das became the President in the 52nd AGM held on 24th Aug 1974. After the death of Shri J.K. Das on 31st Oct 1975. Sri Tarun Kanti Ghosh became President and he remained as President of B.C.D.A. for 14 consecutive years from 1975 to 1988. The man who in true sense was the guiding force of the morden B.C.D.A. Along with Sri T.K. Ghosh, Sri Atul Dutta worked as Hony. General Secratry of Bengal Chemists &amp; Druggists Association. In true sense Sri Atul Dutta was the architect of morden B.C.D.A.</p> <p>In the year 1982 onwards under the guidance of Sri T.K. Ghosh, Shri Atul Dutta, K.C. Hazzra, Dilip Nandy, Samir Ranjan Das and Shambhu Bose Choudhury toured throughout the length and breadth of West Bengal and tried for merging the local Bodies with State B.C.D.A and under teir efforts full-fledged districts and Zone committees were formed throughout Bengal taking into consideration some pocket wish district and zone committees which were already existing. After death of Sri T.K. Ghosh, Sri Atul Dutta became President and he remained in this position till his death. In the year 1985 at Surat meeting, Sri Atul Dutta became the secretary of the All India Organisation of Chemists &amp; Druggists (A.I.O.C.D) and became President of the all India Association at a held at Varanasi in the year 1994..</p> <p>On 22nd. June, 1985, Sri Dilip Nandy became the General Secretary of the Organisation and he remained in this position till 1992.</p> <p>At the 70th. Annual General Meeting dated 27th feb 1993, Sri Kamal Kumar Mukim became the General Secretary of the Organisation and he remained in this position till 9th. january, 1998. All on a sudden when Shri K.K. Mukim tendered his resignation from the post of General Secretary in November 1995. Sri Aloke Ray is temporary chosen as acting General Secratary of the Association. Sri Kamal Kumar Mukim became the General Secratary of the All India Organization of Chemists &amp; Druggists (AICOD) in the year of 1996 at a meetaing held at Culcutta.</p> <p>After the death of the stalwart leader Shri Atul Dutta in 1996, Sri Sukumar Mukerjee became President of the Oraganization and he ramin in this position till 1998.</p> <p>In the 75th AGM held on 9th January1996 at Mahajati Sadan, Sri Samir Ranjam Das became the General Secratary of the organization.</p> <p>In the 76th AGM held on 9th Septembar 1998 at Calcutta University Institute Hall, Shri Bipin D. Mehta became the President of the association and he is continuing in this position till today.</p> <p>At present there are 24 Dist Committees and 220 Zone Committee are there and total membership strength increase from 200 in 1982 to aprox. 40,000 as on date.</p>